What We Do

Study, Work , and Live
to the Glory of

We provide Christ-Centered connections, resources and tools to students and young professionals through workshops (in-person), online webinars, courses and the LOTW magazine.

We will also connect students and young professionals with local, national and international Christian organizations and institutions that also provide educational and occupational Christian connections, resources and tools.

Study to the glory of Christ 

Christian Colleges and Universities (CCUs): We inform students, young adults, and youth pastors about the benefits of studying at a CCU, alternative ways to stay connected at non-CCUs, Christian and Non-Christian Study abroad programs, The Christian Connector and the Application U.

Study Skills: We provide students with study skills from a Christian Perspective. This workshop covers the following topics:  Christ-centered motivation, memory and concentration, reading tips, time-management, note-taking strategies, and the importance of church involvement.  This workshop is designed for students studying at the undergraduate and graduate level.

Work to the Glory of Christ

Career Readiness and Christian Entrepreneurship: We provide information about local and national trade schools and certification programs for God-honoring careers, the steps needed to apply and possible funding options.

Faithful Employment with Christian Ministries: We provide information and opportunities for employment with Christian ministries and non-profits locally and nationally.

Christian Networking: We connect young professionals with Christian professional organizations and networks, professional workshops and events.

Live to Glory of Christ 

Financial Literacy: We offer a course on financial literacy, which gives biblical principles for debt prevention/elimination, investing, generous giving, and estate planning.

Christian Apologetics: We help students and young adults defend the Christian faith against popular opinions (secular worldview) that are contrary to the gospel of Jesus Christ by developing and maintaining a Christian worldview.